“I started to have weird symptoms in the fall of 2016, where my stomach did not feel like it was digesting properly, and I was feeling like I had way too much adrenaline, like I had drunk tons of Caffeine. It was a horrible feeling, because I am by nature fairly laid back, and had no stress in my life. But the regular medical doctors wanted to write me off as suffering from female anxiety. I was NOT anxious! I had suffered from some acid reflux for quite some time, and am pretty sure I had an undiagnosed sliding hiatal hernia. Also I had been involved in a few rear end car accidents, probably affecting my thoracic spine and neck…
…Within weeks of having everything from my diaphragm, ribs, neck and spine worked on, as well as stomach adjustments I was feeling so much better! The experience has taught me how to do some self healing, and I find continuing maintenance with regular FMT treatments a real life saver. Additionally, I had been suffering for over a year with a strange itch near my right shoulder blade and didn’t know what it was and neither did my physician…it turned out to be nostalgia paresthetica, which supposedly has no cure. Well, the FMT took care of it with Anthony’s specific work on my spine and ribs!” ~ Ellen